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If you are not satisfied with your order, we refund 100%

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3rd Party Lab Tested

See our lab results in the Lab Reports page


What Makes Our CBD Products Different?

We create hand-craft quality full-spectrum CBD products by sourcing the highest grade hemp from around the world. That’s right, we source hemp from my buddy’s farm in Southern Oregon, Colorado, West Virginia and parts of Europe. All unique, all top quality. We also think outside the box when it comes to how we process said hemp. Sometimes we create an unheated product, sometimes we fully decarboxylate it and sometimes we vary the amount of decarboxylation. All the components vary just slightly on how they interact with your body.

We offer a complete line of CBD products, including full-spectrum CBD oils & tinctures, CBD skincare lotions, CBD sports rubs to CBD gummies, and CBD gluten-free chocolates.

By choosing True Hemp Science, you know it is going to be good, so you can stay focused you need to be or relax when the occasion permits.


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