H20 Tonic Bundle – NANO Water Solubles – 25% OFF
Orig $475.96 – Limited Time SALE $356.99
4-in-1 Bundle Includes:
eG22 – SYNAPTA is designed to turn on your brain and readies all of your neurons to process your full workday while remaining calm and energized.
Whether it is dealing with the pressures of daily life or the computations of a spreadsheet, this pure CBG remedy is an excellent choice for the early morning.
This remedy contains a blend of Ayurvedic herbs including water extracted Ashawganda (leaving no taste) supporting a healthy immune response and overall wellness.
Cannabinoid: Pure Nano CBG
Drop = 6mg per Drop
Recommend Dose: 5-10 drops
Time: Day Use Only
Ayurvedic Herbs: Ashawaganda, Ginger, Berberis Aristata
Ingredients: de-ionized water, *sunflower lecithin,*full spectrum CBG distillate, *ashawaganda paste, smallanthus sonchifolius, *coconut glycerine, *cane alcohol, fulvic acid, *black pepper extract, *ginger extract *stevia
eG32 – BLISSTOPIA induces a euphoric, yet focused mental state w/ the help of the CBG cannabinoid while the calming body-centric qualities (often) associated with CBD to promote relaxation and nervous system wellness.
This is a great product in smaller doses (3-6 drops) for the office or everyday and larger ones (7-13) for socializing or dancing at a concert. She contains a 3:2 ratio of CBG: CBD coming in at 11 mg per drop.
Cannabinoid: Nano CBG:CBD 3:2 Ratio
Drop = 6mg per Drop
Time: Day Use up til 5pm – may find things to do.
Recommend Dose: 4-9 drops
Ayurvedic Herbs: Ashawaganda, Ginger, Berberis Aristata
We encourage a regular sleep routine.
Ingredients: de-ionized water, *sunflower lecithin, *full spectrum CBG distillate, full spectrum hemp extract, *ashawaganda paste, smallanthus sonchifolius, *coconut glycerine, *cane alcohol, fulvic acid, *black pepper extract, *ginger extract *stevia
e64 – HYPNAUTICA navigate the seas of your unconscious as you integrate your moment of relaxation, and reflect on your day formulated to support a balanced and healthy nervous system.
Rewiring your fight or flight response and becoming the commander of your ship. Hypnotica is an excellent end of the day relaxation tool and may inspire a lifted sense during your evening routines.
Cannabinoid: Full Spectrum Nano CBD
Drop = Xmg per Drop
Recommend Dose: 5-11 drops
Time: Afternoon or Evening Use.
Ayurvedic Herbs: Turmeric, Ashawaganda, Ginger, Berberis Aristata
Ingredients: de-ionized water, *sunflower lecithin, full spectrum hemp extract, *tumeric curcumin extract, *freeze dried turmeric juice, *ashawaganda paste, smallanthus sonchifolius, *coconut glycerine, *cane alcohol, fulvic acid, *black pepper extract, *ginger extract *stevia.
eN88 – NOCTURNA is specifically designed to support a peaceful bedtime routine.
This fast acting CBD: CBN blend was a fabled remedy used by an Ancient Civilizations to dream, balancing themselves and nervous system while creating Beauty during their day.
Cannabinoid: Nano CBD w/ CBN.
Drop = 7mg per Drop
Recommend Dose: 6-14 drops
Time: 30 min or less before bed.
Ayurvedic Herbs: Turmeric, Ashawaganda, Ginger, Berberis Aristata
Ingredients: de-ionized water, *sunflower lecithin, full spectrum hemp extract, *tumeric curcumin extract, *freeze dried turmeric juice, *ashawaganda paste, smallanthus sonchifolius, *coconut glycerine, *cane alcohol, *full spectrum CBN extract, fulvic acid, *black pepper extract, *ginger extract *stevia
DO NOT carry bottles in a purse or bag without ensuring top is securely fixed. The terpenes in this product will stain clothing.
These products are not designed to treat any dis-ease, these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Do not use these products if you are pregnant or lactating as the contain ayuvedic herbs. If you have any questions about these products, contact a medical professional, and/or research possible effects of cannabis at www.projectcbd.org.