Every farm, Every Extraction Method Results in a Different End Product
by now many of you are coming to the understanding of our mission. To create unique products with varied cannabinoid profiles as a remedy for modern life. The slight variations complete the final level of attunement with our avatars. If you recall CBD was patented by the US government as an antioxidant, cardiac protectant and neural protectant. CBD is just one of the components in cannabis. Depending on the research that you follow there is between 120 and 200 components cannabis makes which fit into receptors in the human body. THC is only one of those components, and unfortunately the one that receives the most press.
The various profiles (or numbers) which are seemingly in a random order are in fact sequenced by nature, time with current light codes. It is only when we touch the Moment while in our physical body, we realize the truly new. We create our products to help you become a better you, to overcome past moments, injuries and help your body to integrate by creating optimum mental states. This is the truth according to THS.